Prostate massage comes with pleasure, as well as health benefits

Prostate massage is a very controversial topic. Some men reject it because it takes place through the rectum, other ones have put their worries aside and indulge in prostate massage regularly. And we’re not surprised. The area of perineum, rectum and prostate are strong erotogenic zones and stimulating them can bring unprecedented pleasure. If you try prostate massage once, you’ll fall in love with it and it will probably become an essential part of your sex life. Not only is it unusually enjoyable, there are a lot of discussions about its health benefits as well. Therefore, it gives you an […]
How to naturally boost your libido?

Everybody’s libido is at a different level and there’s a lot of factors that have an influence on it. If we have low sex desire, we should be aware of our daily stress level, relationship issues, health complications, but also our age. Low libido is a very common problem in relationships, where the need for physical intimacy is different for both partners. Whether it’s you that’s experiencing low libido or your partner, there are natural ways to boost it. Today, we’ll take a look at the most effective ones. Start working on your stress and anxiety As we’ve mentioned, the […]

Akce! ŠŤASTNÉ PONDĚLKY Šťastné pondělky Od 9:30 do 15:00 u nás získáte masáž za výhodnou cenu,každé pondělí. 1hodina erotická masáž s jednou masérkou 1500,-
7 Reasons to Visit Our Parlour

1. Our Girls and Their Approach to Clients We aim to choose girls for our parlour as carefully as possible, not only according to their beauty but also their approach to clients. Therefore, we choose communicative ladies with a positive attitude who like their job, which is then reflected in the communication with you and in the actual massage, which is much more lustful and deep-felt. 2. Your Satisfaction is Our Priority A major part of our clients are long-term customers who return due to being pleased by our services. Also, tourists who have visited Prague in the past and […]
Massage ligmanu

Present yourself with an unforgettable massage focused primarily on intimate parts and erogenous zones. Masseuse starts massage when client lies on his back. Then masseuse performs passionate and hot body to body massage and dedicates a part of it to the groin zone. The massage is extremely arousing and includes delicate movements of penis stimulation. The essence of the massage is delayed orgasm and tremendous arousing, touching and infinite pleasure. Number of orgasms is unlimited
Secret History of erotic massages

Like a never-ending waterfall of excitement that is full of all your senses, like a violent tidal wave of passion and sensuality that swept away with all its negation, physical tension and mental stress after its powerful impact-such is the power of erotic massage. How far do the roots of this popular phenomenon reach? Where is the beginning of the art of touch that brings your body to ecstasy? In answering these questions, we must go to the very beginning of humanity … The art of touch Already the primeval people in their unbridled wildness knew the healing effect […]
6 myths and mistakes about erotic massage you should know

The fingers and palms relax with muscular tension with gentle movements, and a splendid feeling of relaxation and excitement spreads through the body. Erotic massage can be achieved not only by the elimination of stress and physical and psychological tension. It is a very pleasant way to stimulate sexual energy, to stimulate your libido and also to better understand the needs of your body and the limits of your intimacy. Erotic massage is a relaxation and sexual experience that will leave you feeling something special. Just the fact that there are over 3 million cells, 50 nerve endings, and 90 […]
New masseuses – Lea and Nina

Nově v našem salónu pracují masérky Lea a Nina. Přijďte je navštívit do našeho salónu, kde si erotickou můžete vychutnat také spolu s osvěžující vířivkou či saunou. We look forward to your visit! Erotic Massage Prague Luxury
Christmas gift vouchers

Buy awesome gift vouchers, which you can give to your loved ones. Believe that gift in the form of a voucher for erotic or Nuru massage will delight every man, but perhaps also every woman. Erotic massage can be most relaxing, so do not doubt it will be the right gift. From our own experience, we know that almost everyone who ever received this gift was very excited. With our gift voucher for erotic and Nuru massage, you are the one defining the amount so you can give the one the whole scale of massages we offer.
Christmas photos Natálka a Inka