Types of massages

Classic erotic massage
Erotic massage is an intimate experience and more people like it very much. Our salon offers a sensual massages of your whole body. During these massages we use a hot massage emulsion. More informations >

Japonse nuru massage
NURU massages were the domain of the Orient / far East. Recently this kind of massage is slowly expanding all over the world and becoming a hot new trend on the field of erotic massages.More informations >

Penis massage (Lingamu)
Lingam means a „penis“ in the ancient sanskrit language. Massage of your intimate parts will not only wake your sexual energy up but it has regenerative and healing effect as well. More informations >

Royal massage (two girls)
Would you like to try the erotic massage but just one masseuse is not enough for you? We offer you the service, at which will be not one but two masseuses together who will pay attention to you More informations >

Sultan soap massage
If you want to try so-called body to body massage which is rooted in traditional Turkish massage then definitely try a soap massage. Its very similar to the popular nuru massage. More informations >

Tenga egg massage
Tenga Egg is a popular erotic aid – an egg-shaped masturbator that comes from Japan. Special internal egg processing offers you a very pleasant stimulation and allows you to get maximal excitement. More informations >

Erotic massage for couples
These massages are the great choice when you want to try something new in your partner’s life, get to know your limits and give to your relationship a new feeling.
More informations >

Tantra massage
Tantra massage is often referred like the queen of all massages. Massage brings you feeling of maximal relaxation and also achieving very pleasant feelings. Experience Tantric-Taoist techniques More informations >

Massage for woman
Where is it written that erotic massage is intended only for men? Right – nowhere! Do not be afraid to admit that even you want this unusual experience full of excitement and gentle touches. More informations >

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This site does not offer sexual services, it is used to mediate erotic massage between the client and the masseuse or masseur.
The condition of advertising is to rent a room in the massage parlor.

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