How to naturally boost your libido?

Everybody’s libido is at a different level and there’s a lot of factors that have an influence on it.

If we have low sex desire, we should be aware of our daily stress level, relationship issues, health complications, but also our age.

Low libido is a very common problem in relationships, where the need for physical intimacy is different for both partners. Whether it’s you that’s experiencing low libido or your partner, there are natural ways to boost it. Today, we’ll take a look at the most effective ones.

Start working on your stress and anxiety

As we’ve mentioned, the level of stress and anxiety has a direct influence on our libido, whether it comes to women or men. There are also a lot of people that are anxious when just thinking about sex. Logically, this should be the other way.

If your calendar is full of responsibilities that you have to take care of within the whole day, don’t be surprised if you don’t have enough sexual stamina.

A 2017 study confirmed a direct relationship between erectile dysfunction and anxiety.

Realize this: you’re not a robot, so it’s impossible to do everything. Each one of us should reserve space for mental hygiene. You’ll feel the benefit of it not only in your mind, but also in your body.

There are many ways to release stress. Here are some of them:

  • practicing good sleep hygiene
  • investing time in your hobbies
  • regular exercise
  • balanced diet
  • establishing harmonic relationships
  • working with a therapist
  • yoga and meditation

Make good sleep a priority

It may sound like a cliche, but everybody should pay special attention to their sleep.

You surely know how you feel after a night when you sleep for only a couple of hours or stay up late – irritated, inpatient and sometimes even emotionally unstable. How could you even have desire for sex in such a state? It would mean using the energy that you simply don’t have.

ereas good sleep can drastically improve the quality of your life. Focus on going to sleep at the same time every day, don’t eat anything at least two hours before heading to bed, don’t drink alcohol or smoke and ensuring complete darkness in your bedroom will help as well – blackout curtains are great for this purpose.

After a few nights of a really restorative sleep, you might feel surprised how much your libido has changed.

In 2015, there was a study confirming that the women who have a high quality sleep, also have a much better blood flow in their genitals. This naturally means a better libido.

Focus on eating lots of healthy vitamins and minerals

Every advocate for a healthy lifestyle with a diet full of healthy foods will confirm that they have no problem in bed.

There’s no wonder – a balanced diet supports good heart health, as well as blood circulation – within the entire body.

However, if your diet is based on fried foods, refined sugars and foods that have high cholesterol, you can bet that this will have an influence on your sexual performance and libido as well.

Don’t forget regular exercise

If you’re living a sedentary lifestyle with lack of exercise, your libido will suffer from it.

There was a lot of studies focused on this. The results are clear – regular exercise boosts libido and also helps with low confidence, depression, anxiety and builds a better overall emotional resilience.

If you want your training plan to be focused purely on boosting libido, go for exercises that target the pelvic floor. This type of training is especially beneficial for women, because they can achieve better circulation in the right areas and get better control of them.

Try herbal products for boosting libido and sexual performance

A very good helper when boosting your libido are special herbs and dietary supplements.

There’s not enough studies to clearly say that they are going to help, but if you browse the internet, you will come across certain herbs that are very beneficial when it comes to libido according to their users. 

We’re talking about these herbs especially:

  • maca
  • tribulus
  • ginkgo biloba
  • ginseng

Before you start consuming these herbs on a regular basis, consult your doctor. Considering your potential health problems or medication, they might be of more harm than benefit.

Have regular sex

Finally, we will recommend you the most logical way to boost your libido and sex life – sex itself.

If you go for regular play in the sheets, you will naturally get better at it and want more.

In our massage salon, there’s a team of professionals that will shortly convince you that erotic activities can be an unbelievably therapeutic and healing tool.

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